Take Root Mission

Outdoor Learning in the Forest & by the Sea

Take Root’s mission is to facilitate outdoor experiences that inspire the curious mind, instill love and appreciation for nature while nurturing positive and holistic living. Encompassed in the mission is the understanding that being in and with nature encourages respect and admiration for the environment and all living things – cultivating the growth of healthy and diverse communities.

Wet Feet, Dirty Hands, Full Heart

Using a whole-child learning approach, Take Root’s team tends to the ROOTS of GROWTH. Each class supports the needs of the children – leading them through a learning process that nurtures their souls, feeds their minds and strengthens their bond with the community.  Take Root nourishes the ROOTS – tilling the soil in preparation for healthy growth of body and mind – allowing space for each child to find their Sense of Place.

Education for the Whole Child: Head, Heart, and Hands

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