Apply, Tour & Enroll

  • Within two weeks of receiving your application the directors will be in touch to discuss the program and to set up a Tour & Trial. You will also receive the Family Handbook, please read all of it to make sure you are positive this is the environment you are choosing for your child to blossom.
  • After speaking with the director, you and your children will be invited to visit Take Root for a tour and to schedule the children’s Trial Experience Days. The trial days will give everyone an opportunity to see if forest school is a good fit. There is a fee for the Trial Experience Days, this will be discussed when speaking with the directors.
  • Take Root will contact you within a week of your tour/trial to answer any remaining questions and then either invite you to enroll or discuss any concerns that have arisen. If all spaces are full your child will be placed on a waiting list.
  • Once you receive the official enrollment form, it will need to be completed and returned to Take Root as soon as possible, along with payment of the non-refundable Enrollment Costs: $350 Family Membership per family + $150 Registration Fee per child + Supplies Fees per class/per child (dependent on enrollment).
  • Your child’s space in the class will officially be reserved as soon as this paperwork is turned in, and the payment is made.

Community Supported Education

Each family’s investment bolsters the Take Root Forest Learning Community and its commitment to revolutionizing education.

Community Supported Agriculture is a practice where the community pledges support to a farm by investing in shares before each growing season. The invested money allows the farm to do the work to grow the food. Once the harvest comes in, the farm re-distributes the shares as boxes of food.

The idea of Community Supported Education is similar…we invite you to invest in Take Root Forest Learning Community, thus enriching the lives of your children, yourselves, your community. Each day, every week – as the seasons change, Take Root will deliver nature-based, holistic, fun, and engaging educational classes. Your children will grow, feeling a strong sense of self and community, a better understanding of their surroundings, while developing a natural respect for the world.

Each of you is invited to support the community by rounding up and adding more to your Enrollment Costs or donating separately to the Take Root Family Support Fund, allowing a diversity of children to attend the program.

Enrich your children, yourself, your family & community. Support innovative and holistic education – participate in our programs and TAKE ROOT…PLANT THE SEEDS.